
The Verdon Fosse Legacy® LLC mission is to promote, preserve, and protect the artistic and intellectual property of Bob Fosse® and Gwen Verdon, including the copyrights in the dances and the trademark rights in the names BOB FOSSE® and FOSSE®

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Through the Bob Fosse® Master Class Series, Legacy-sanctioned reconstructeurs teach style, technique, and work ethic to students at dance schools and colleges globally. The Legacy wishes to foster and educate performers, directors, and choreographers, as well as scholars and students interested in American film and musical theatre. We partner with universities, dance studios, museums, libraries, publishing companies, film screenings, and non-profit organizations to honor the work of Gwen Verdon and Bob Fosse®.


 Legacy-sanctioned reconstructeurs and guest artists work with an elite group of professional dancers to notate, reconstruct, and archive Fosse® repertoire from both stage and screen. Our goal is to reconstruct Bob Fosse®’s choreography with the original intent and integrity.  ​


The Verdon Fosse® Legacy oversees the licensing of Bob Fosse®’s work for non-profit and for-profit commercial use. The Legacy protects the image and work of Gwen Verdon and Bob Fosse® and owns the trademarks for FOSSE® and BOB FOSSE®.